Green Tea14 Products
Green tea is blanched (like vegetables) right after harvesting to preserve the green color of the leaves. Chinese green tea processing results in a more floral like notes while Japanese style green teas carry heavy umami-vegetal flavors. Green teas have also been popular in weight loss research because of the natural metabolism boosting compound EGCG found within the leaves.
- Caffeine levels increase if you scoop heavy or steep longer!
Energizing Power: White<Green<Oolong<Black<Coffee
Average Green Tea Caffeine: 10-20 mg/cup
Coffee Caffeine:100-120 mg/cup
A Great everyday Japanese style steamed green tea.
Type: Green
Flavor: Vegetal
Grade: Pure Leaf
Caffeine: Low
Infusion #: 2
Brew Temp: 175°F
Brew Time: 1 min
Measure: 1 tsp per cup
Ingredients: Green Tea
This tea is living archaeology Young whole leaves are harvested during the first growth of tea in spring. The leaves are then rolled into "pearls," and finally dried alongside jasmine flowers to naturally absorb the aroma. This delicate process creates a very unique tea, a favorite of mine and revered among tea gourmands. When steeped the pearls...
Type: Green Flavor: Fruity Floral Grade: Blend - Organic Caffeine: Medium Infusion #: 1 Brew Temp: 175°F Brew Time: 1 min Measure: 1.5 tsp per cup Ingredients: Organic Sencha Green tea, Rose petals, cherry and natural flavors Kyoto Sencha Rose Festival is one of my favorite floral green teas and I am excited...
A twist on a classic jasmine style green tea. Try blending with mint!
Type: Green
Flavor: Fruity - Floral
Grade: Blend
Caffeine: Low
Infusion #: 1
Brew Temp: 175°F
Brew Time: 1 min
Measure: 1 tsp per cup
Ingredients: Green Tea, Jasmine Flowers, Natural Lychee Flavor
Once upon a time all tea consumed was ground into a powder and then whisked with hot water. This tradition fell out of fashion in China, where it originated, but lived on in Japan. Today matcha is used in everything from Japanese tea ceremonies to baking. This Maruyasuya Cerimonial Matcha was created...
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Matcha from Japan blended with cardamom and peppermint. 2.0 oz
(try iced with strawberries for a fun refreshing drink)